
Hi! I'm Paul. Born and raised in sunny Los Angeles, California.

This site was created as a centralized location / transfer station for me, my projects, and code repos I link to on GitHub that I have used for tools & solvers in engineering, math, and physics. I'm primarily interested in the crossroads of computing and physics. From time to time, I'll also write some blog posts (when life permits) include some writing for those interested in tech musings.

I work mostly with Linux. I've been using it since I was 12 years old and I think it's pretty cool. I enjoy networking (the TCP/IP kind, but also the wine and cheese kind), system administration, cybersecurity, DevOps (CI/CD pipelines), and programming. My latest interests include automation, deployment tooling, distributed / parallelized systems, AI/ML, and GPU computing.

If you want to chat or would like to collaborate, you can send me an email at my first name (dot) my last name at gmail. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Obligatory curriculum vitae PDF: Resume / CV

Professional certifications can be found on my Credly page.